
Southern Religion

My brother’s keeper

In her message to the National Prayer Service, the Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins called the president and the nation to greet the worst of times with loving generosity of spirit:

America’s true character, the source of our national wisdom and strength, is rooted in a generous and hopeful spirit.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, . . .
Send these, the homeless, tempest‐tost to me, …”

Emma Lazarus’ poetry is spelled out further by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

“As long as there is poverty in the world I can never be rich, even if I have a billion dollars. As long as diseases are rampant and millions of people in this world cannot expect to live more than twenty‐eight or thirty years, I can never be totally healthy . . . I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the way our world is made.”

Often addressing President Barack Obama directly, she ranged across native American myth, Biblical prophets, Muslim scholarship and historic values. She called upon the president to lead us on the right path, and cast these as times that can teach us what we really are as a nation:

A land of abundance guided by a God of abundance, generosity, and hope – This is our heritage. This is America’s promise which we fulfill when we reach out to each other.

The entire sermon is here (.pdf).

January 21, 2009 - Posted by | Politics, Religion


  1. Totally disgusting,(Watkins) She has no ideal what she’s talking about.

    Comment by eze2009 | January 22, 2009

  2. The Rev. Dr. Watkins’ narrative was inspiring to watch during the service.
    I downloaded the sermon and it is refreshing to see someone speak directly to the best of our historic American values.
    She is calling us and the administration to rise to the occasion as a nation usually have when challenged and well-led.
    I think there is also a sense in which she asked President Obama to close the door on the Bush era of suspicion and secrecy. And President Obama certainly started his administration with an opening back up of the government to we the people who deserve to know what is being done in our name.
    He also instituted model lobbying reforms, thus closing doors on the powerful and giving the poor of whom she spoke a far better chance of having their legitimate needs met.

    Comment by castinglight | January 22, 2009

  3. Nice to see the first woman to give that sermon do so well.

    Comment by ncwildflowers | January 22, 2009

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