
Southern Religion

Christian talk radio petitions vs. scientific polls

BP News made itself a stenographer for the National Center for Policy Analysis/ Salem Radio Network (SRN) health reform petitions stunt, which through theatrical delivery hours before Obama’s health-care speech labors to create the impression that there is massive opposition to health reform.

Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Conventions’ Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission and an SRN host, said of the alleged 1.3-million signatures:

This petition is indicative of a spontaneous grass roots eruption of protest against a government takeover of the American health care system. Anyone who doubts the strength and vitality of this movement needs only have attended one of the thousands of town hall meetings to know that this is real.

Or perhaps those with doubts have read the available public opinion polls, which reveal no “grass roots eruption” or even majority opposition to health reform, except among the wealthy.

A new Gallup Poll, conducted Aug. 31-Sept. 2, Americans divided over how their representatives should vote. One quarter of those surveyed said they had not made a decision.

Gallup in its scientific poll found a majority against health care reform was found only among upper-income Americans — a direct contradiction of Land’s argument. Specifically:

A slight majority of upper-income Americans want their representative to vote against healthcare reform. Middle-income Americans are divided on the question while lower-income Americans are more supportive than opposed.

Moreover, Nate Silver today concluded that public option enjoys majority support in most Blue Dog Democrat districts.

Given the scientific polling data and expert analysis, it is unreasonable to accept professionally-promoted petitions which are “signed” online by clicking an eagle icon and filling out an online form as “a spontaneous grass roots eruption of protest.”

September 9, 2009 - Posted by | Churches, Religion, SBC | , ,


  1. […] could be seen as raising questions about the qualifications of Land and the Religious Right to set, through public argument and lobbying, the national course on health […]

    Pingback by Religious Right/Bush health insurance & economic legacy « BaptistPlanet | September 14, 2009

  2. Richard Land is a joke.
    Beofre the last Presidental election he went to Bellevue Baptist church in Memphis to tell us all that Bill Clinton had sex in the White House but he didn’t say a word about all of the child sex molesters in these Baptist churches.
    Please go to to learn about these child sex molesters

    Comment by Mrs. Lou Taylor | September 23, 2009

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