
Southern Religion

Why is Laura Silsby still in jail?

Anne-christine d’Adesky, who was one of several who warned Silsby she was headed for trouble, has been investigating:

I posted my Special Report on this affair last week, which contained allegations that Silsby’s team was being offered help by certain Dominicans and Haitian helpers to cross the Dominican border with children they planned to pick up, possibly in exchange for money. I have more to share about those allegations, and what I’ve been able to learn.

As Silsby-watchers know, Haitian Judge Bernard Saint-Vil is still detaining Silsby today, but released her best friend Charisa Coulter yesterday. He did that only after holding closed sessions to re-question Silsby and two Dominican real estate agents Jose Hidalgo and his partner Rob Chenvert, and another individual about their knowledge and version of events. When asked why he won’t release Silsby, the judge told a reporter he has discovered ‘discrepancies’ in Silsby’s accounts, and is reviewing certain documents. To even a casual reader, that means something isn’t adding up.

For many reasons. Read the rest here.

March 10, 2010 - Posted by | Religion, SBC | , , ,

1 Comment

  1. […] Silsby: New charge filed & bail rejected Laura Silsby is still in jail because Examining Judge Bernard Saint-Vil has concluded there is evidence of another attempt by her […]

    Pingback by Laura Silsby: New charge filed & bail rejected « BaptistPlanet | March 14, 2010

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