
Southern Religion

‘Unraveling’ Religious Right?

The Religious Right, which failed to secure a new name last month, failed this week in its all-out drive to derail approval of David Ogden for Deputy Attorney General. Even the Family Research Council [.pdf] joined in making Ogden a score-keeping case.

As the results rolled in, however, Focus on the Family was reduced to bemoaning massive voter opposition ignored. Ogden was confirmed by the senate, 62-28, with (according to the roll call) nine Republicans — among them John McCain — voting with the majority.

This is the most recent in a parade of such failures dating back at least to James Dobson’s pledgeBefore God” (unpledged with a resulting sit-in at Focus HQ by American RTL Action) opposition to McCain. So much has followed, including the fractured coalition’s signal failure to get its Republican National Committee chairman of choice, its inability to spin up blocking opposition to Kathleen Sebelius’ Health and Human Services nomination, and now the Ogden drubbing.

The Religious Right should keep pitching for that new name. Something descriptive of events since before Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission helped push Sarah Palin into the vice presidential lime light. No need to turn for advice to Frank Schaeffer (who helped found the Religious Right). Perhaps a simple name, which includes the word Unraveling, will do.

March 14, 2009 - Posted by | Politics, Religion | , ,

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