
Southern Religion

Church blogging ain’t beanbag

Aggressively blog a church’s policies and governance, and the deacons may adopt a resolution directed at you and see it approved in a vote by the congregation [video].

Some approve of the action at First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Fla.

Some do not and defend the anonymously penned FBC Jax Watchdog blog, which is the target of the resolution.

FBC Jacksonville attracted considerable attention by sponsoring blog posts calling Catholicism a cult [eventually removed from the site]. Although the grievances of Watchdog certainly neither began nor ended there. They blogged, for example, about how the pastor accumulated power through changes in FBC Jacksonville’s bylaws.

The bylaws governing resolution of grievances within that church do appear to be heavily loaded against dissent.

Whatever the merits of any particular issue there, that oppressive approach tends to drive debate underground — often into anonymous blogs — not eliminate it.


William Thornton notes that FBC Jacksonville conducted a “public flogging of a former member” without, of course, “naming names.” He goes on to say the disciplinary process sounds “less Biblical than it does medieval.” [Amen to that.]

February 27, 2009 - Posted by | Churches, Religion, WWW | , , , , , , ,


  1. Baptist Planet,

    I have become familiar with this blog site over the past several weeks. Though we have not always agreed on every position, I have found your writing to be clear, concise, and quite convincing. I do not know who you are, but I dedicate the following line from my favorite 2009 Hollywood movie to Baptist Planet and your ability to cause havoc to people who abuse their authority by kidnapping true Baptist heritage.

    “If it is a ransom you want, you must know I have no money. But what I do have is a set of skills, skills acquired over a lifetime of service, skills that will make life miserable for people like you.”

    Thanks for your excellent writing and service to the kingdom.

    Comment by wade burleson | March 2, 2009

  2. […] power is corporate, and the corporation may be, as we have seen of late, a church. In every case, some risk attends attempting to say to power things it would prefer not to hear. […]

    Pingback by Anonymous blogging’s confrontations with power are fraught with risk « BaptistPlanet | March 2, 2009

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